Partner Awards
A huge congratulations to our 2021 Launch Partner Awards Finalists
Celebrating the best of the best
The Rocketspark Partner Awards are a celebration of partner business success and design skill. All Launch 2020 conference tickets include entry for the awards dinner so come ready for a good night.
There will be Canapes and drinks on arrival, a two-course catered dinner and a cash bar available throughout the evening. Plus, we'll be announcing the award winners for 2021.

The details
Tuesday 20th April
6:00pm - late
439 Ruakura Road, Hamilton
Dress Code
Formal / Cocktail
Free for all Launch conference ticket holders.
Website of the year - Designer’s choice
The website of the year shortlist will be taking into account beautiful design, customer journey and great content/SEO and decided by Rocketspark. Design partners will then vote for the winner from that list.
Best branding package
This award evaluates the quality of a branding project completed by a Rocketspark Design Partner that could include logo design, print design/packaging/ads, vehicles/signwriting.
Magic Fingers Graphics - Riverside Escape
Magic Fingers Graphics - Love Letter Express
Greenhouse Creative - Prestige Academy
Magic Fingers Graphics - Little Moas
Metro Marketing - Breast Cancer Support
Best client impact
Sales, leads, growth. This award is all about your client’s business success as a result of the website you built and the service and advice you provided them with. Now’s your chance to show us the numbers and demonstrate the strategies you’ve used to help take their business to the next level.
Community Good Award
This award recognises a partner who has contributed and made an impact to their community or not for profit organisation/s over the prior year.
Fastest growing partner
Eligible for bronze partners and above, this award recognises the partner that has seen the fastest rate of growth of Rocketspark websites designed in the last 12 month period.
Best ecommerce website
This award recognises the ecommerce website that demonstrates excellence in design, ecommerce best practice and streamlined success with add-ons.
Greenhouse Creative - Keter
Titimun - Farm Cove Butchery
Repeatable - Honest Kitchen
Designer Bloom - Savour
Varntige - Learning Matters
New partner of the year
This award celebrates the best up and coming design partner who shows the potential to deliver increasing success on the Rocketspark platform.
Partner of the year - Grand award
This award recognises the partner that has delivered the strongest combination of website sales, subscription growth rate, design quality, technical knowledge and customer success.
View past winners
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